Monday, April 14, 2008

el bloggo primero

Wow...ok...this is my first blog entry. My friend Roth, has convinced me to start blogging, so here it is.

Let's start with what I did yesterday, since it is fairly interesting. I shot a gun for my first time at the firing range of the Yolo Sportsmen's Association. I shot a .22 caliber rifle which was mostly like firing a bb gun, not too bad. Then, I tried shooting a .45 caliber handgun. I was so scared after my first shot, I immediately put the gun down, hooted like girl and said "whoah, that's way too much for me". After regaining my composure and some testicular fortitude, I came back and shot the thing some more. After about 20 minutes of shooting, I was bored.

My friend Tash has a friend, David, who owns guns and shoots them at the range on occaision. It is apparently pretty expensive for ammo, it cost me $25 to shoot for about 20-30 minutes. Given the entertainment value vs. cost, I don't think I will be taking up shooting as a hobby, since there are more fun things to do which don't cost anything, such as mustache twirling.

On Saturday, I did this brick (Bike + Run) with buds from the triathlon team: Juan Lang, Ruth Anderson and Julia Svoboda. We went out to auburn and biked a portion of the auburn triathlon It was very brutal, lots of hills, lots of climbing on the bike. I want to say it took us over 3 hours to cover just over 40 miles, ughhh. The run was not far and probably was only about 5-6 miles at most. That took approximately 50 minutes. But the bike was sooooo painful and Julia, Juan and Ruth are so much better on the better on the bike than me. Yeah, that was tough.

Anyway, I also sold my drum set this weekend and I biked from Davis to Winters with my friend Wes who is putting on a charity bike-a-thon Wes wanted to actually bike the route, since he had never done it before.


heyroth said...

woohoo! this is my new blog actually:

Gary said...

hey buddy, welcome to world of blogging! I say post some running tips for yer pal Gary.